Giant Sea Wall, Ancaman Ekologi, Perikanan dan Microbiology.

Asus released a smartphone with features from professional photography.
Meet the Zenfone Selfie, with under $300 price tag.

With our partner, id-Android, a massive android user community in Indonesia, we produced videos about media and communication technology. Here are some of them.

Talked about Android and communication provider info-sphere.

How to optimize your android gadget.

How to wisely choose your gadget.

S6 & S6 Edge experience.

Vebbyna Kaunang, marketing management of Samsung, explaining her company's product, Galaxy Tab S.

Agus Hamonangan, founder of Id-Android, talking about the new Lenovo Phab Plus, a break trough in tablet - phone integration.

How consumer-community (consuminity) worked in current media technology situation.