"Mengekal Ingatkan Mei 98"

another perspective on Indonesian May 98 Mass Riot 

There was mass riot in Indonesia, targeted to ethnic Chinese. Or that what the powerful people behind it wants people to believe. Because it shifts away attention and blame to social issues, thus free them from burden of responsibility. Responsibility of murdering thousands of people, raping hundreds of unsuspecting Chinese woman, and turning many lives into an unimaginable suffering.

Social issues does exist in Indonesia. But facts of May 98 tragedy doesn't fit the social conflict explanation. Someone made it happened. The riots was staged. Thugs were sent across the city of Jakarta, and things unfolded simultaneously, in the same hours of the day.

The tragedy of May 1998 riot need to be remembered, and it victims suffering resolved. For this, many questions need to be answered. By remembering that the event still have no acceptable explanation. No fulfilling understanding of what really happened.

For now the family of thousands of people who trapped in the malls and intentionally burned to death still have to live with the stigma of being the father, mother, brother, sisters, husband or wife of looters.

But we will remember, that the simplistic story is not the real reason why they have to live with it.

Mengekal-Ingatkan Mei 98 / Forever Remember May 98 is our upcoming documentary that will talk about this.